Sunday, November 24, 2013

Early Thanksgiving - Minus One More Pill!

Our pre-oncology-visit anxiety this month was shorter in duration but more intense than usual.  Jeff and I both had a terrible night of sleep on the eve of the visit -Thursday night.  Jeff had been to the family doctor last week and his labs showed his liver counts were off.  When Dr. Peck called to report the issue, Jeff told him, “No kidding.  That’s the GVHD I’ve been dealing with since about six months after transplant.”  I was nervous that Dr. Porter would not continue the Cellcept taper or, worse, that he would want to add back one pill.  Jeff couldn’t say exactly what he was worried about.  His was a more general anxiety.

Friday morning, with a few last minutes instructions about Rosie’s care to the substitute caregiver - me, off he went to the city with iPad in hand.  Dr. Porter’s staff had asked to see pictures of Nicole and Jeff’s meeting at the Gift of Life walk and Jeff was looking forward to sharing them.  He had a good bit of time to kill before his appointment so he had breakfast across the street from the hospital at Potbelly Sandwich Shop then texted me to make sure Rosie was on schedule for her morning feeding and nap.  He seemed a little put out that I got to give her cereal for breakfast since he hadn’t yet had the pleasure.  He’ll have plenty of opportunities now that she is starting solid foods. 

Jeff texted later that he’d met the new oncology fellow, Scott, and was very impressed with him.  A rare pants-off exam was in order.  Scott said, “Oh, sure!  Wait for the new guy…”  

Jeff told Scott, “Before we get intimate, let me show you pictures of my family and donor.”

It sounds like Jeff and Scott will get along well for the next two years.  Scott knows Dr. Allison Rager, the former fellow, now in Pittsburgh.  Jeff hopes he’ll continue to get news of Allison through Scott.

Thankfully, Jeff’s liver counts were good.  The taper will continue!  Jeff’s blood pressure and weight were good, too.  Dr. Porter wants another pulmonary function test before the January visit.  Jeff remembered that his one-year lung function test showed better results than before transplant so there are no worries about that!
The return train ride is often the start of a good long nap on doctor-day.  Instead of joining me at Rosie’s house, Jeff headed home for a snooze.  He wanted to rest up for his niece’s senior art show in the neighborhood of her school, Temple’s Tyler School of Art.  So the evening brought Jeff’s second trip to Philadelphia in one day, this time by car.  We met Kim at the show, saw Jeff’s brother’s family and, of course, the fruits of Elizabeth’s labor.  A fun evening.

During prayers at church today, I offered a prayer of Thanksgiving for Jeff’s good counts and his upcoming speaking engagement in Florida.  Pastor Wiseman commented that Jeff will be so practiced at public speaking that he will return, able to preach.  Jeff replied, “I could do it now if I only have to talk about myself.”  Chuckles from all.

Jeff has declared an early Thanksgiving for all our blessings.  We spent last weekend with my sibs and their spouses at Mark’s uncle’s mountain house.  This weekend Jeff, his brothers, and Cousin Richard visited Aunt Kate in Norristown and feasted on Zeps at Eve’s.  Thanksgiving weekend will be spent with family and friends.  Life is good. 


Greg Loux said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for coming down to Elizabeth's show Friday night. There's a lot to be thankful for...

Greg Loux said...

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for coming down to Elizabeth's show Friday night. There's a lot to be thankful for...

Jill Malefyt said...

All wonderful news! Wishing you safe travels to Florida. Have a merry Christmas and continued blessings of health and family in 2014. The Prince of Peace walks with you each step of the way.