Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 109 – Keep Your Fingers Crossed

Sometimes I think too much about numbers.  For example, since his BMT, Jeff’s hemoglobin has usually measured in the 9’s and 10’s.  That was an improvement over the 8’s and 9’s he measured before transplant.  In the last three weeks, Jeff’s labs showed his hemoglobin at 11 or greater on four of the six days it was tested.  Yesterday’s count was .2 higher than the highest measurement since his BMT.  At 11.3, it is still lower than normal (standard range is 13.5 to 17.5) but let’s keep our fingers crossed that this is the beginning of a positive trend!


Judy said...

Consider the fingers crossed and the hands clasped for a good prayer!

Nancy said...

My fingers, toes, legs, arms and eyes are crossed!