Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 195 – Rx +10!

I texted Jeff from work today to ask if he picked up his Prednisone from the pharmacy.  I wanted to know if his dosage would come in the size of the Predisone pills the kids used to take for asthma or if his would be giant-sized.  He called later in the day to report that the pills were about the size of an aspirin.  I said, “Good!  They’ll be easy to swallow.”  He replied, “But I have to take 10 of them, 5 in the morning and 5 at night.”  They are 10 mg each.  This is the “conservative” dose.

Here we are at the end of the school term and poor Keith got strep throat.  His friends were nice enough to have him stay with them to protect his dad from getting sick.  I sure hope Keith doesn’t contaminate any of them!  He slept the day away today, drank lots of tea, and took his antibiotic.  He will come home tomorrow.

Jeff went to PT this afternoon.  Unfortunately, his appointment was for 11:30 a.m.  Oops!  Fortunately, they were able to accommodate him.  However, he had to see Jeremy instead of Mike.  Jeff reports that Jeremy is a lot rougher than Mike and pushed his arm and shoulder to the limit.  He decided that was a good thing; maybe he should see Mike one day a week and Jeremy another since both approaches seem beneficial.

Kerry came for dinner tonight and to use his dad’s shop.  Jeff made his famous meatloaf, something I cannot manage to make very well.  Jeff’s meatloaf has spinach and ham rolled up in it like a jelly roll.  Very pretty!  Delicious, too.  It is very, very nice coming home from work to find dinner well underway.  I’m getting spoiled!

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