Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dreams of Glory, Wedded Bliss and Stink

The big news around here is that Gift of Life has invited Jeff to speak at their holiday party in December at their Florida headquarters!  He has been thinking about adjustments to the speech he prepared for The Big Meet with Nicole.  He has some good ideas going.  Those thoughts, evidently, have seeped into his sleeping hours.
In Jeff’s dream last night, his audience was much larger than what Gregg and Barby from Gift of Life told him to expect.  There were lots and lots of people including some families with children.  The stage at the dream-venue was built out of materials from the venue’s kitchen renovations.  Jeff began addressing the large crowd.  When he took a step back, the weak floor gave way and the vases of flowers that decorated the back of the stage crashed down.  The speech was interrupted while clean-up took place.  Some of the families left at that point.  It was getting late.  The speech resumed and the audience was enthralled!  They began to applaud - the speech was just that great!  Then a storm came up.  The windows could not be closed because they were electric and the power had gone off.  Rain poured in! The windows were finally closed but more people had left.  He continued speaking again and then… he woke up.  Phew!

Jeff was diagnosed three years ago, just a couple of weeks before Oktoberfest.  The annual Oktoberfest serves as a marker of time as well as providing the name for our fundraising teams, Bist du Stark?  Are you Strong?

To compete in the Strong Man competition, you hold a full pitcher straight out in front of you for as long as you can.  In order to prevent beer being spilled, the pitcher holds lead shot to approximate the weight of a pitcher of beer.  When you can no longer hold the pitcher aloft, your arm drops, it hits a wooden bar which then swings to indicate you’re finished and your time is called.  In 2010, just days before starting treatment, Jeff placed second in the Strong Man competition with a time of 3:45.  In 2011, Jeff had issues with his right shoulder due to the full-body irradiation he received as part of his pre-transplant conditioning.  His left-handed Bist du Stark effort was only 1:43.  Still, he gave it his best try.  In 2012, Jeff declined to participate in the Strong Man, Bist du Stark, competition, accepting his limitations easily.  This year, Jeff declined to participate in the Strong Man competition because, he said, “What is the point if I can’t win?”  He did not accept his limitations so easily.

On Sunday, we celebrated 34 years of wedded bliss with a hike at Pennypack Wilderness.  It was an overcast, windy fall day not unlike the day we were married.  We had linner (late lunch, early dinner) at Pipersville Inn and, by chance, were seated at the table right next to my cousin Dawn and her husband, Clarke, and Clarke’s family.  They’d lost their daughter to leukemia when she was a young woman – too young.  They were pleased to see Jeff looking so well – and facing a platter piled high with gooey ribs.  While enjoying our meal, I noticed that the hike had worn Jeff out.  I accused him of planning to nap when we got home.  He replied quickly, “I might not wait that long.”  Just as we finished our meal, Keith called from Afghanistan where it was already Veteran’s Day.  It was the first call we’d had in three weeks.  It was good to hear from him. 

Some stomach issues have been giving Jeff a little trouble for a couple of weeks.  Something to report to Dr. Porter next week. 

In other news, Giblet got skunked this morning.  I bathed her with the Skunk-Away neutralizer we had the foresight to buy when Emily and Matt’s dog was skunked.  Jeff spent the day scrubbing and airing out the bathroom where I'd bathed the stinker and otherwise dealing with the stench that wafted throughout the house.  He did such a good job that by the time I got home from work, the smell of the fresh bread he’d made was more prominent than Eau de Skunk.  Another treatment of Skunk-Away - or two or three – ought to finish the job.   

1 comment:

Jill Malefyt said...

Wow - lots going on in your lives! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I think you went to Hawaii for your honeymoon. Tim and I just went there for the first time--one of those bucket list trips. And how wonderful that Jeff has been asked to speak in Florida. I'm sure people will be so encouraged by seeing how well he is doing. Life is precious and God is good. You are often in our prayers.