Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year! Happy 57th Birthday, Jeff!

Just before the holidays a little nostalgia set in which inspired Jeff (with the help of our young people and their various devices) to locate a couple of his childhood friends, Steve and Jeff, now living in New Zealand and Illinois respectively.  It was fun to see how much he appreciated connecting with his pals and to hear him wanting to know more about how - and what - they are doing.  Personally, I believe he needs his own Facebook account.  We’ll see whether I can convince him sometime this year!

Jeff spent some time in his shop creating a dollhouse replica of Kerry and Theresa’s house for our granddaughters.  The adults seem to enjoy it as much as the girls (well, Rosie anyway; seven-month-old Penny mostly uses it as a standing aid). 
Note the architect and contractor in the top right corner and the toilet crafted from two dental floss containers, a bottle cap and a piece of card stock (Amy's contribution to the project). 

Lower Level under construction

Happy Birthday to Jeff!  Hooray to Survivorship!

1 comment:

Jill Malefyt said...

Wow I'm jealous! What a great idea--you are both so creative. Happy birthday, Jeff. I can't believe it is almost 5 years since your transplant. You are truly blessed. Hang in there with all those doctor visits. How about adding another first to your list - let's get together in Quakertown in 2016 for dinner.