Saturday, March 5, 2011

24-Year Streak Ends!

Yesterday, less than 24-hours after Jeff began his new chemo regimen, his brilliant, 24-year-long no-vomiting streak ended.  There are several drugs to control the nausea and he can take a few of them at a time.  The one that seems to work the best (Ativan) also makes him sleepy.  This bothers him but once the nausea gets bad enough - and he is persuaded that he has nothing better to do than sleep anyway - he asks for it. 

Tonight he will have the last of the three doses of Daunarubicin.  Maybe we’ll make him a paper chain for the remaining days of Ara-C and 28 days hospital stay.  He needs to see some sort of count-down since he really wants this over with.  He is a really good patient and jokes with the staff, his visitors and me.

We have been told since November to expect transfusions as part of Jeff’s treatment but he hadn’t needed any until today.  His red blood cells were 8.1 and they typically give two bags of blood at 8.0.  The doctor ordered just one bag for him.  This should make him feel a little better.

Addie’s family gave Jeff a couple of I Spy books which we broke out this afternoon.  He only lasted three pages before falling asleep.  I set the book aside, went downstairs to have lunch, took a short walk, returned to the room, sat down and began reading.  After awhile Jeff woke up with a start, looked at me accusingly and said, “Did you finish the I Spy?”  I guess he had a good nap.

Kim and I went to the Annenberg Center at Penn last night.  She was my back-up date in case Jeff wasn’t able to go with me.  We had a great dinner at a Mexican restaurant and we thoroughly enjoyed the dance troupe, Pilobolus.  She invited me to stay at her place for the night since I was pretty tired.  Once I knew Keith could tend the dog, I accepted her offer.  I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  Mr. Maia was intrigued by the “tent” the blankets on the cot made.  In the morning, we had breakfast at the Turkish Café near her place – delish!  It was nice to have a night out on the town and to spend some time with Kim.

1 comment:

Palmer said...

Hey nice to have a night out, and great food as well.