Monday, March 28, 2011

Home Sweet Home

On Saturday morning, Jeff came home!  He was exhausted by the trip but joked that he thought we should stop at Home Depot on the way home.  When he stepped into our living room he said, “Oh, someone oiled the floors.”  I said, “No...”  I guess the hardwood looked pretty dark compared to the sterile hospital.  He said all the wood in our house looked really dark to him.

Giblet didn’t recognize him at first.  I think, if you saw my video of the reunion, you would be able to hear her very loud sniffing.  Maybe Jeff had hospital smells or chemo smells that made it difficult for her to recognize him.  Once she was sure it was Jeff, she danced and sang, ran through the house barking and looked happier than I’d seen her since the 3rd of March.  She seemed to bark at everyone who came in the house as if to say, “Daddy’s home!”

We don’t recommend this diet plan to anyone but Jeff lost 25 pounds in 23 days in the hospital.  Food still does not have a lot of appeal for him but he knows he has to eat and tries everything we put in front of him (some things never change).  He can’t answer the question, “What do you want to eat?” with anything but “I don’t know.”

Jeff and I both had an excellent nights’ sleep Saturday night.  On Sunday morning, Kerry, Theresa and Keith joined us for breakfast.  Jeff called it “Breakfast with Uncle Fester” and he wished he could roll his eyes like the bald Addams Family character. 

It was my goal to get Jeff out on the porch for a little fresh air.  He surprised me by going upstairs for his sneakers; he wanted to go for a walk.  He walked up and down our block twice on almost-steady feet. 

He had many visitors.  Our neighbors brought lasagna dinner – fantastic!  We were told to expect macaroni and cheese from other neighbors tonight.

This morning (Monday) was pretty quiet.  Jeff slept a lot in the morning while I got some things done around the house.  Palmer and Greg came to give us some music therapy.  It was great!  They played, “Baby Ben,” “Drunken Man’s Dream,” “Lover’s Waltz” - a jig, some blues, an Irish tune - some really beautiful music.  Very therapeutic! 


SherryD said...

No Place Like Home...glad to hear you are home. Everyone misses you at the church!!!! Hopefully by weeks end we can stop by for quick hello! Keep up your great attitude and we will continue our prayers for you all!!!

Jill Malefyt said...

What great news! It's wonderful to have such thoughtful friends and family. You are in our prayers.

Greg Loux said...

It was great to see you both yesterday. I hope Jeff is sleeping better.

bette mcerlean said...

Here is the Daily Word for yesterday. Thought I'd share since it is so appropriate. God bless and keep up the good work...Bette:

"Answered Prayer
I nourish my soul in prayer.

What happens after I pray? There are times when I seem to be waiting for something to happen when all the while the "happening" is in progress. When I pray for myself or another, I may not see evidence of healing right away; yet a healing is taking place.

As I pray and go about my day, I keep my faith strong even though I perceive no evidence of improvement in my or another's condition or circumstance. I continue to affirm the truth of innate wholeness, and my mind is at peace.

Quietly aware of the Presence of God, I have a thankful heart that is receptive to good. I receive confirmation that God is active in all and the goodness of God is for all."

And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."--Luke 1:46-47